Centro Odontológico Preventivo i San Salvador

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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El SalvadorCentro Odontológico Preventivo



🕗 åbningstider

27 Avenida Norte, San Salvador, San Salvador, SV El Salvador
kontakter telefon: +503 2226 3151
internet side: www.dentalcop.com.sv
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 13.7124336, Longitude: -89.2049243

kommentar 5

  • Ricardo Humberto Grande

    Ricardo Humberto Grande


    Excellent, the doctors go out of their way to answer questions. The treatment is super special. The assistant very prepared and helpful. I don't give them more stars because there aren't any .....

  • Mario Rosales

    Mario Rosales


    Excellent service, personalized attention and the work done is 100% quality. TOTALLY RECOMMENDED!

  • Cristina Mercedes

    Cristina Mercedes


    Excellent work, qualified staff and personalized attention. Totally recommendable. They are specialists, they treat you as a valuable client and they also teach you about many things about oral health, they guide you and advise you on the treatments you need, they use only quality products and their facilities are very nice, modern and neat.

  • Juan Constantino Perez Palacios

    Juan Constantino Perez Palacios


    Since I am in control at Cop I keep my dental health in perfect condition. I recommend it 100% !!!

  • Carlos Morales

    Carlos Morales


    I think the service is pretty good! I really like going for a consultation, for the reason that they treat you well, and they work professionally and with quality. Highly recommended the clinic, visit it :)

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