DR. ALEX - Implantes Dentales by DENTAL SV i San Salvador

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El SalvadorDR. ALEX - Implantes Dentales by DENTAL SV



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Avenida Masferrer Norte y 7a Calle Pte Bis Plaza Barcelona L.23 y 24, San Salvador, El Salvador
kontakter telefon: +503 2264 1200
internet side: dralexmartinez.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 13.7069829, Longitude: -89.2486331

kommentar 5

  • Neil Solano

    Neil Solano


    Gracias a Dr Alex mi mamá tiene una sonrisa bonita. Puso implantes y lo agradezco mucho por en la manera que la ayudo. Teníamos que salir del país varía veces y el Dr entiendo eso y trabajo con nosotros y nuestro calendarios. Muy profesional y lo recomiendo a todos si quieres un buen trabajo.

  • Levis Rodriguez

    Levis Rodriguez


    Excellent service, excellent qualified personnel with the best equipment and technology, they treated me super well I recommend this place as the best in El Salvador ❤️

  • Marsha Bueno

    Marsha Bueno


    Hello, on Saturday May 29, 2021, I visited the office of Dr. Alex Martinez for the first time and was super impressed by his professionalism and charisma. Silvia and Fatima complement their work team at the reception with great kindness and courtesy at the time of your appointment. I am very excited to continue my dental treatment and to have chosen such a great professional as Dr. Martinez. Anyone who needs dental treatment this is the place to visit. Thank you and see you on my next date - God first.

  • Omar Martinez - Triunfadores USA

    Omar Martinez - Triunfadores USA


    My beautiful people, I invite you to use the SV Dental clinic and the specialized service of Dr. Alex Martínez for any type of dental implants. Dr. Martínez is in my humble opinion the best in the field of implantology not only in El Salvador but in the whole world. The service is super professional with the assistance of Silvia at the reception and Fatima in the technical assistance to Dr. along with another group of professionals. I usually do not complete comments or reviews on social networks but in this case I was super impressed with the service and the result of the dental work that I took the liberty of writing this comment. So I don't want to be selfish, that's why I invite everyone who needs these services to visit La Clínica Dental SA. Thank you!!!

  • Alejandro Aguilar

    Alejandro Aguilar


    I recommend to all people to make any dental consultation at the SV Dental Clinic, since I have received excellent, very professional care from the clinic staff. I have been really happy with the results; Very thankful.

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