Dr. Carlos Guandique Dental Arts Studio San Miguel i San Miguel

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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El SalvadorDr. Carlos Guandique Dental Arts Studio San Miguel



🕗 åbningstider

Sexta calle poniente y Quinta Avenida norte Plaza Medica San Francisco No. 310 San Miguel CP, San Miguel 3301, El Salvador
kontakter telefon: +503 7802 4018
internet side: drguandique.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 13.4837595, Longitude: -88.1801833

kommentar 5

  • Rodrigo Linares

    Rodrigo Linares


    What a bad virtual tour to see the 360 ​​photos taken by unprofessional people

  • jazmín escob

    jazmín escob


    , I wanted to charge $ 900 for a treatment, where it was not true what he said he had until I went to a maxillofacial and he told me that he had nothing 😡 do not get carried away by lies always consult another

  • Abdias Enoc Fuentes

    Abdias Enoc Fuentes


    Newly remodeled facilities, with cutting-edge technology and at the forefront. Excellent professional, try to make your reservations with time. Honest and professional, I recommend it internationally. Luck!

  • Miguel Gomez

    Miguel Gomez


    Excellent professional, very meticulous in his diagnoses and extremely disciplined in his process of customer service. Thanks to Dr. Oscar Omar Guandique for allowing us to work to promote and position your business on the Google platform and on social networks. Blessings

  • Piscinas Ambientes

    Piscinas Ambientes


    We are from the East ..... and it is admirable and enviable the value of the doctor when making the investments to expand his clinic in this moment of changes in the country.

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