El Salvador del mundo i San Salvador

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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El SalvadorEl Salvador del mundo



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San Salvador, El Salvador
kontakter telefon: +503
internet side: sansalvador.gob.sv
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Latitude: 13.7012837, Longitude: -89.2244333

kommentar 5

  • Rodrigo E. Grimaldi

    Rodrigo E. Grimaldi


    Hermoso e inspirador, pero no tiene parqueo cerca y normalmente estay rodeado de un tráfico caótico.

  • Henry Rodríguez

    Henry Rodríguez


    PROS: National landmark. Really beautiful to lay down for a while. Nice for group pics and to fly drones around. CONS: No parking lot near it, no public restrooms available.

  • en

    Big Daddy


    Lately there's been a lot of activity here and looks way better than before also it is very secure, most of the time there is a Humvee with some soldiers....so yeah pretty secure

  • Willian Serrano

    Willian Serrano


    This is by far the most iconic place in the city of San Salvador, it is not beautifully decorated, but it has hosted many major religious, political and popular events in the recent history. In December there are events and activities every night. It also marks the line between the old and modern city, from the "Paseo general Escalon"

  • William Pastran

    William Pastran


    This is one or the most emblematic place in the capital city. And the main reason is due to there is the most important monument which a high tower with the Earth planet and on the very top of this is a statue of Jesus. It also a common place where people or entities celebrates different types of activities, recreational, of protest, entertainment, etc. Also, it's a place for skaters are there everyday and where peoples go to relax for a moment.

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