Fragola - Cafe Morita i San Salvador

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El SalvadorFragola - Cafe Morita



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718, Calle La Mascota, San Salvador, San Salvador, SV El Salvador
kontakter telefon: +503 2263 4159
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Latitude: 13.6979732, Longitude: -89.2423252

kommentar 5

  • Melissa Cruz

    Melissa Cruz


    The taste of the cake was good and it was fresh, but the appearance was of very low quality. When communicating with the administrator or owner, she did not provide any satisfactory solution and behaved in an unpleasant and pedantic manner even though it was a poorly done decoration work.

  • The flawless Val (Valeria Juarez)

    The flawless Val (Valeria Juarez)


    Their products are not that fresh and I would rather see the pretty photos than try their desserts. For the experience it is good to visit but I would not return.

  • Sara Menjivar

    Sara Menjivar


    Perfect if you love it sweet and like for a craving in the afternoon. The coffee and desserts are very rich, I liked that what they served me was just like the photographs of their social networks, but the place is too small there are only two tables and to get close to the counter you must ask permission to the seated diners. If I had a little more space, it would be a nice place to meet friends and talk, especially for boyfriends or girls, because it is very feminine.

  • Nancy Torres

    Nancy Torres


    What Café Morita offers is undoubtedly something without equal, its flavors are unique as well as its creations. I loved!! The place is small but hopefully and soon expand.

  • Ivonne Soriano

    Ivonne Soriano


    A very small place, excellent for an afternoon coffee but exceedingly sweet. Good quality and excellent taste. The personal attention is average, as the cashier is impatient. The products are in a display case and the drinks are made at the moment. There is a great variety of dishes. The atmosphere of the place is somewhat comfortable, since there is no air conditioning and it is a small place. Otherwise, the decoration is excellent.

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