Hospital San Francisco El Salvador i San Miguel

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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El SalvadorHospital San Francisco El Salvador



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408, CA-1, San Miguel, SV El Salvador
kontakter telefon: +503 2645 2900
internet side:
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Latitude: 13.4843107, Longitude: -88.1850913

kommentar 5

  • Elisa Cunningham

    Elisa Cunningham


    Excellent services! Cov19 test CPR for $30

  • Jaguayano Guevara

    Jaguayano Guevara


    Good attention, kind and very fast ... God bless all the good Doctors ... my mother treated her as much as possible, thank you.

  • rodrigo salvador

    rodrigo salvador


    Pésimo servicio, no hay orden alguno. Please avoid this hospital at all costs horrible customer service. Long wait times, never on time. Just like the country always making decisions on the go. Please stay away from this hospital it’s a waste of your time.

  • Olga Diaz

    Olga Diaz


    My grandma die in this hospital so they said it going to be 8k for the surgery now they said it’s 16k this hospital is Terrible they don’t do nothing to keep my grandma good

  • Janneke Holzner

    Janneke Holzner


    I came to this hospital after a severe bout of food poisoning had left me severely dehydrated. I was seen in the emergency entrance within five minutes, and hooked up to a drip within ten minutes. The initial consultant spoke enough english to help and so did the doctor (most of the nursing staff just spoke Spanish, but we're very helpful and friendly). They were very helpful with providing everything I needed for my travel insurance- but that said, the cost of all the consultation, a private room for the whole day, and the drips and follow up rehydration drinks came to about $200. Very much recommend if you find yourself in health troubles in El Salvador.

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