Hospital San Mateo - hospitales en lourdes i Lourdes

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El SalvadorHospital San Mateo - hospitales en lourdes



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2a calle Oriente #1-21, Lourdes, El Salvador
kontakter telefon: +503 2318 4848
internet side:
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Latitude: 13.724702, Longitude: -89.368676

kommentar 5

  • Jackelin Ortega

    Jackelin Ortega


    Excellent care, I recommend the hospital, the nursing staff was well attended and the laser surgeon was very good. !!

  • Carlos Rivas

    Carlos Rivas


    I went on a holy day to do an ultra, the doctor arrived very late past the hour, and bad, I did not like the service ... I do not recommend that place for an ultra

  • Marili Arias

    Marili Arias


    Excellent attention, I took my mother from the emergency room for abdominal pain and they quickly treated me and gave me the diagnosis that same night we operated on her emergency thank God everything went well. My mother is already recovered excellent hospital ..

  • Prenecita



    A day ago my husband had an intoxication, and we went to the emergency room, they charged me $ 1500 for one day, the bathroom had no curtains and the room had very small curtains, they did not change the sheets, they did not even give him water to take the pills, just They gave him serum and one more medicine, the facilities left much to be desired, they told me that I had signed a promissory note and it was a lie, I had no towels in the bathroom, uff if I keep complaining about how HORRIBLE it is NOT WORTH IT for the price. A THOUSAND TIMES A private HOSPITAL in SS. WE DO NOT RECOMMEND IT !!!

  • Omar Cabezas

    Omar Cabezas


    Yesterday I took my son with a fever and a dry cough. They took $ 108 and now $ 30 more from some respiratory therapy and the only thing they gave him was Pediatric Rodiflux and they told him to give him chamomile water. WHY SERVICE, they are thieves !! If you read the reviews please take them into consideration as you experience the scam of this hospital firsthand.

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