Hotel Montecarlo i San Miguel

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El SalvadorHotel Montecarlo



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FRMH+5FR, San Miguel, El Salvador
kontakter telefon: +503 2660 3713
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Latitude: 13.4829886, Longitude: -88.171352

kommentar 5

  • Alex Hernandez

    Alex Hernandez


    It is an excellent place to spend the night if you no longer find how to leave or do not want to travel at night, a very central place and close to the bus terminal in San Miguel

  • Soghomon



    Perhaps a little rough around the edges, but, hey, at $8 -$15 if you want A/C - the place is a bargain. Relatively clean, extremely close to the bus station - literally across the street - and fun and welcoming staff who without a grumble are ready to serve up room service at all hours day or night. Beer and other refreshments are also available. The Montecarlo to me is a gem somewhat disguised, it’s safe, cheap, and right across the street from the bus station making it a breeze to make the early getaway to El Coco, San Sal, or even to the border with Honduras. While it easy to leave, I also always like coming back here.

  • Tanner Moroz

    Tanner Moroz


    For 8 bucks you can't go wrong. Private room with clean sheets

  • Jeovanny Lopez Lopez

    Jeovanny Lopez Lopez



  • Fiona Neville

    Fiona Neville


    Cheap hotel close to bus station. $8 per night for a non air conditioned room, with private bathroom. Shower was a pipe with no head. The internet didn't work for the first few hours of my stay. Tv in room but I wasn't given the remote. The staff seemed uninterested in being friendly or helpful. Very noisy in the morning. No top sheet on bed.

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