Restaurante Solsticio i Santa Ana

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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El SalvadorRestaurante Solsticio



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Calle circunvalacion del lago caserio potrerio de la laguna frente a quinta, amatepeque El Congo, Santa Ana, Santa Ana, El Salvador
kontakter telefon: +503 7500 2000
internet side:
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Latitude: 13.894623, Longitude: -89.544517

kommentar 5

  • Ana Navas

    Ana Navas


    It is a very comfortable place and excellent service And a spectacular view of the lake

  • Leylani Fiorella Peña

    Leylani Fiorella Peña


    Beautiful place and very nice facilities but the attention was poor, it took a long time to bring the food even though they had few customers

  • P Coleman

    P Coleman


    We visited Solsticio on the 24th for a beer and on the 25th for lunch. They ha e beautiful views but they don’t keep their menu in stock. No Heineken no Suprema no salmon no lasagna etc. Several items on menu were not available. The food is just ok. The service is very good but I felt bad for him having to tell us the list of unavailable items. Management needs to get their act together or they will lose their business.

  • Mario Cruz

    Mario Cruz


    Good views. Excellent place for a cup of coffee

  • Mar Pages

    Mar Pages


    Nice views refined food and lovely service - good place for a coffee too

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