Sheraton Presidente San Salvador Hotel i San Salvador

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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El SalvadorSheraton Presidente San Salvador Hotel


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Avenida De La Revolucion, San Salvador, San Salvador, SV El Salvador
kontakter telefon: +503 2283 4000
internet side:
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Latitude: 13.69138, Longitude: -89.2417558

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rodolfo Salazar


    This a one of the most prestigious hotels in El Salvador, it is well located in the heart of the business, enterteiment and economic area of town, within walking distance of the Zona Rosa restaurant and bar district in San Salvador

  • Joel Recinos

    Joel Recinos


    Great hotel in San Salvador to stay with SPG point. A night will cost between 3k to 3,500 starpoints. The launge has finger food and a good variaty of drinks, juices, sodas, beers, and liquors. The area of the hotel is safe. Vaket parking is complementary for guess and also the breakfast buffet is complementary. Fresh pupusas everyday. Eggs made to order. Fresh fruit and juices. The sweet bread is also fresh and good variaty everyday.

  • Jose Reyes

    Jose Reyes


    One of the most traditional "best hotel" in town, have Old desing but due to reputation celebrities stay normally there.

  • en

    Pilar Alva


    In El Salvador people are kind and gentle. At the hotel they are even gentler, food is fresh, installations are well kept and the place looks like a paradise. I will be back.

  • Willian Serrano

    Willian Serrano


    The hotel is located in the San Benito District, a well developed zone in the city with vibrant nightlife, international restaurant, museum and residential buildings. The hotel is elegantly decorated, it integrates a convention center and an outdoor pool with restaurants around it.

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