Mokaffe i San Salvador

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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El SalvadorMokaffe



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San Benito C.c.olivos plaza, blvd el hipodromo, local 4, San Salvador, El Salvador
kontakter telefon: +503 2278 0800
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Latitude: 13.6940606, Longitude: -89.2388612

kommentar 5

  • Alejandro Sandoval Diaz

    Alejandro Sandoval Diaz


    Good food and amazing dessert. Canolis can improve a little

  • B Rivera

    B Rivera


    Tried after two years and service and quality was great as usual. Best cannolis I’ve had in Central America.

  • Ana Maria Fuentes

    Ana Maria Fuentes


    Best cannoli in Town. Also delicious pizza (by pizza nostra)

  • Ulma Escobar

    Ulma Escobar


    There's great desserts and nice drinks, I've tried their desserts both ordering through a delivery app and here, and they're always good. They use the same sweets they make to glue stuff into a container for delivery and it seems to work out. My friend had coffee and praised it for being good, and I had an Italian soda (sour apple and mint, highly recommend), both were server in disposable containers. Alcohol gel is provided outside and there's also a little bottle of it in each table. You can sit inside or outside. Apparently, there's a time in which they stop serving lunch and won't cook dishes until dinner, which I was not aware of, so I didn't get to taste other things. What I really did not like is the fact that the disposable spoons they provide are not even sturdy enough to eat their desserts, it is really hard to do so, and the piece of cardboard they put between the desserts and the actual plate they put it in makes it even harder. Maybe buying disposable cutlery that is actually useful and not only looks nice would improve the experience. By all means, if you want to eat comfortably and don't mind, I'd recommend bringing your own cutlery because some of these desserts will be very uncomfortable to eat with the plastic spoons they provide while Covid-19 measures last without using your hands or metal cutlery. Otherwise, it may be cozier to just order in a delivery app so that you can try their desserts at home and brew your favorite coffee.

  • Angel Estrada

    Angel Estrada


    Uffff the dessert are Just a heavenly experience

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