Orthodontic Dental Clinic Lucio Ventura DDS Ortodontist i La Union

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El SalvadorOrthodontic Dental Clinic Lucio Ventura DDS Ortodontist



🕗 åbningstider

1A Calle Poniente, La Union, SV El Salvador
kontakter telefon: +503 2604 0532
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 13.337531, Longitude: -87.8444045

kommentar 5

  • Angel Cruz

    Angel Cruz


    Excellent attention. Solutions and care of the best quality. In addition, excellent biosafety protocol. Highly recommended.

  • Rosa Villalts

    Rosa Villalts


    It is an excellent clinic, very organized, excellent treatment with patients and affordable prices. Excellent Service 😉😍❤❤

  • Mauricio Salmeron

    Mauricio Salmeron


    Totally grateful to Dr. Lucio Ventura and the same with his work team, because with them I have my Orthodontic treatment and until now I have never had any problem, on the contrary he is very understanding kind and above all very professional with his work .

  • Juan Jose Chavez

    Juan Jose Chavez


    I recommend this place you will be being attended by professional dental hands

  • ever gomez

    ever gomez


    Excellent work, personalized treatment, modern equipment, impeccable hygiene I congratulate you today x today the best in the city of the union CONGRATULATIONS Dr Lucio Javier Ventura will be highly recommended BLESSINGS

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