Parque Cuscatlan i San Salvador

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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El SalvadorParque Cuscatlan



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Alameda Franklin Delano Roosevelt, San Salvador, San Salvador, SV El Salvador
kontakter telefon: +503 2511 6000
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Latitude: 13.6983322, Longitude: -89.2065958

kommentar 5

  • Isaac Sisco

    Isaac Sisco


    Muy bonito lugar y los eventos que hacen. Sólo que hay que cuidar de tus pertenencias

  • es

    Rafael Erazo


    Esta en reconstruccion no puedo opinar, hasta q obra, pero fue un parque donde jugue de niño, es apto p distraerse, ojala pongan seguridad pues los ladronsitos siempre acechan...

  • es

    Bernardo Costa


    es un hostal cultutal muy bonito . muy buena vivra y buenos viajes en la Combi muchas gracias . lo disfrute nucho ..

  • Philo DJ C.H

    Philo DJ C.H


    Is big place, normally families comes to enjoy the afternoon during the week or the weekends. They place have a basketball place. And some food service. Also there is a museum to visit from 9:09 am to 4:00 pm. The police is always present. During the morning many people comes to walk and workout. Now it's redesigned to create a new concept of space to enjoy the music the Art's. The project is in construction so now is closed.

  • William Pastran

    William Pastran


    This is a national park to go with family and friends any day of the week except, Monday. It's located in the urban areas near national hospitals. This is the only park where is a art exhibition room. Also, it has an area with names of people who disappeared during the civil War. Lots of trees, a football soccer field is available as well as two basketball courts. Soon, this park it's going to be fully remodeled by municipal government and U. S. Embassy. That means this park will be better!!

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