Eco Hotel Mariscal i San Salvador

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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El SalvadorEco Hotel Mariscal



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3658, Paseo General Escalón, San Salvador, San Salvador, SV El Salvador
kontakter telefon: +503 2298 2844
internet side:
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Latitude: 13.701752, Longitude: -89.2285477

kommentar 5

  • Chris Brizuela

    Chris Brizuela


    Excellent service and the rooms are nice comfortable

  • Mariana Bravo

    Mariana Bravo


    At first look it seems amazing. They are so unorganized in front communication is horrible despite the fact that I speak Spanish. They got my food wrong and half an hour after I asked for it. Also I missed breakfast and no one bothered to call me to remind me of the breakfast time. The plugs don't even work.. All the lamp fixtures are for show.. There is no outlet for them. I been to 3 other hotels with fenomenal service but this place was my only option for last minute. I will not come here ever again. If customer service is a big thing for you..I do not recommend to anyone.

  • Don Duchene

    Don Duchene


    A delight in Escalon! The staff is lovely and the hotel is right next to Gallerias. Great location and wonderful staff.

  • Monica Castellanos (Max)

    Monica Castellanos (Max)


    Super location and caring people who can tell you where to go and what to see. Hotel is super clean , food is excellent with free breakfast .

  • Hope Renewed

    Hope Renewed


    Only thing better than this hotel is the sweet owner, Leonor and her mother. My wife and I got food poisoning from a restaurant in Guatemala on our way to El Salvador. The hotel staff took great care of us to the point that we extended our stay two additional days. It was more like family than a hotel. Thanks to everyone who took such great care if us.

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