Villa del Ángel Hotel i San Salvador

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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El SalvadorVilla del Ángel Hotel



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71 ave. norte # 219 Colonia Escalón., Entre primera y tercera calle poniente., San Salvador CP 1101, El Salvador
kontakter telefon: +503 2223 7171
internet side:
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Latitude: 13.703415, Longitude: -89.229049

kommentar 5

  • Walter Canizalez

    Walter Canizalez


    Perfect spot for wedding, relax or family time

  • en

    Paul Kim Eichorn


    We stayed at the Villa del Angel for 4 nights and it was wonderful! Everything was very clean and they had the best of service! They cleaned up our room every day and left it spotless. The free breakfast was very nice with all the coffee you want. It is also a very secure place with inside parking. We can't wait to come back again!

  • Nic Rivest

    Nic Rivest


    Great place to stay in San Salvador ! The employees were so nice, helpful and respectful. The location is good and safe and the included breakfast was very tasty (try the Salvadoreño).

  • en

    Andrew Gray


    Stay here if you are in El Salvador! The staff are incredible

  • en

    Fernand Lust


    Nice quiet place. People at the reception are extremely friendly and helpful. The rooms are clean and, which is unusual, have more than one wall socket. There is a mall nearby. All in all a good experience.

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