Los Almendros de San Lorenzo i Suchitoto

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El SalvadorLos Almendros de San Lorenzo


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4a. Calle Poniente 2b next to Policia Nacional Civil, Suchitoto 0000, Suchitoto, El Salvador
kontakter telefon: +503 2335 1200
internet side: www.losalmendrosdesanlorenzo.com
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Latitude: 13.9379457, Longitude: -89.0260764

kommentar 5

  • Carlos Straetger

    Carlos Straetger


    Delicious Gallo en Chicha and a tasty Kombucha!

  • David Ernesto de la O Perdomo

    David Ernesto de la O Perdomo


    Beautiful to stay, good location

  • David Holtzman

    David Holtzman


    Standard room was clean and comfortable. Breakfast was well made and plentiful. Bar and restaurant exceptional for a small hotel. Garden sitting area, pool and terrace well maintained. Staff very accommodating and professional. Located two blocks from village main square. Felt very safe and secure.

  • Edwin Quijada

    Edwin Quijada


    Los Almendros de San Lorenzo is the best hotel in Suchitoto. Wonderful accommodations, the restaurant offers delicious dishes, the rooms come with air conditioning. The house is over two hundred years old so it has an amazing history.The portales, paintings also the exhibition of historic and ancient Indians artifacts is truly amazing. The pool area is nice and welcoming, keep your eyes open and you might get to see toucans.

  • Gilberto Campos

    Gilberto Campos


    Its a beautiful place, with all the colors of the Suchitoto village. The place is rustic, an ideal for a relaxing time. The personal is helpful and the food is wonderful. I think i could rate it for 5 stars, but one of the AC in the suit room needs maintenance.

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