Restaurante R&R Cocina Autor i Juayúa

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El SalvadorRestaurante R&R Cocina Autor



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1-2, Calle Mercedes Poniente, Juayúa, Juayua, SV El Salvador
kontakter telefon: +503 2452 2083
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Latitude: 13.843507, Longitude: -89.746805

kommentar 5

  • Juan Carlos Martínez

    Juan Carlos Martínez


    Excellent and dedicated service!

  • Ciara Lusby

    Ciara Lusby


    I wouldn't advise going here. The vegetable lasagne that a few reviewers have mentioned was decent but no mushrooms as stated in the menu and for $7 it really wasn't worth it. All meaks above $7 which is expensive for the area. A little bit of cheese and not really lasagne style (bechamel) sauce. Best thing was the garlic bread. The service was friendly and I would of tipped on my own but then they included it in the bill. I haven't had that in El Salvador and only have had it in very tourist areas of Mexico. Not good: topping is optional and shouldn't be added to the bill.

  • Rhianna Loxton

    Rhianna Loxton


    Most delicious, fresh and good price!

  • Carlos Scott Lopez

    Carlos Scott Lopez


    Excellent option! The vegetable lasagna was like nothing I had seen to demand the description of "lasagna," but it was delicious. Great option if you're interested in filling your tummy on some delectable foodstuffs!

  • Phil Hofstetter

    Phil Hofstetter


    Delicious!! Had some of the best vegetarian lasagne ever in this place!

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