Cinco Hotel B&B i San Salvador

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El SalvadorCinco Hotel B&B


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250, Avenida La Capilla, San Salvador, San Salvador, SV El Salvador
kontakter telefon: +503 2563 0976
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Latitude: 13.6907369, Longitude: -89.2396999

kommentar 5

  • Gabriela H

    Gabriela H


    Great place, peaceful and great location

  • Eric Joo

    Eric Joo


    The cozy bed and breakfast that makes you feel like you're at home.

  • Cameron Amott

    Cameron Amott


    If you want a place where you feel safe, comfortable, and well taken care of this is the hotel you want! We just got back from 10 days in El Salvador and this was by far our favorite place we stayed. The rooms are super clean, Victoria (the cook and helper at the hotel) is literally the nicest person in the world! She was always aware of anything we needed. She even gave us a little tour of their in house garden and told us how she uses the vegetables in her cooking. If you need a ride from the airport they can set you up with one. We got a great taxi driver named alberto and used him the days we were in san salvador. It was $25 from the airport to the hotel and worth every penny to have someone waiting for you amongst all the chaos of the airport. Such a great stay!!

  • Martha Portilla

    Martha Portilla


    Best place to stay in San Salvador. Wonderful organic, healthy breakfast included. Great staff. Walking distance from the two main museums and from nice restaurants and bars. Very safe area. Loved it and wouldn't think of any other place to stay if I go back again.

  • en

    Christian Meier


    Awesome little boutique hotel. Very spacious room with a communal cooking area and lounge area. There is a small shop selling food products, also unique clothing for sale in the lobby area and a luscious back yard with tables and chairs to sit out and soak up the sun. Staff were super friendly and helpful.

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