Hotel Villa Florencia Zona Rosa i San Salvador

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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El SalvadorHotel Villa Florencia Zona Rosa



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262, Avenida De La Revolucion, San Salvador, San Salvador, SV El Salvador
kontakter telefon: +503 2243 7164
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Latitude: 13.688812, Longitude: -89.238968

kommentar 5

  • Baris



    Henry at the front desk was very helpful with my late check in and the lady in the morning was very helpful in assisting me on do the tourist thing. The room has everything you need, when you travel you come to explore not to stay in your room all day. If I can give this place 10 stars I would!

  • Rob English

    Rob English


    Very kind and helpful staff! Good location! Near lots of good restaurants! Comfortable and clean! Good AC!

  • Edgar Flores

    Edgar Flores


    Good place, friendly people

  • Frank Canales

    Frank Canales


    Always great service!

  • Dennis Garcia

    Dennis Garcia


    Stayed for 2 nights, the rooms are cozy and mine had a big bathroom. The AC works great and breakfast was good. There might be some noise at night but nothing too bad. The service is great, the people working there are really nice and will help with anything, make you feel like family. Great little hotel.

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